Things which inspire me to write!

Hi Friends,

Poets get innovation & motivation from a lot of things, so do I.

This picture was taken by me yesterday evening from my Balcony.
A pink sky gave me a whole lot of innovations & motivations to write something new.

As it was a Pink inspiration, I am quoting it in the same color too.
Nature helps to increase emotions, this was an example of it.

I will release my second poem, next Saturday.
Obviously you all will be eager what I bring towards you.
Definitely, I will try to bring something which you would love to read.

For all my friends there is one thing to say:
"Continue reading & visiting"
"Weiter lesen & visiting"
"Continuer la lecture et de visite"

Tried to translate for all my Global Friends..
If you want to visit my Facebook Profile to know me, chat with me.
I am providing you my profile link:

You can advice & provide suggestions so that I can move forward in the right pathway with your blessings.

Thanks for visiting.

Kishore Kumar Banerjee


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