DESTINY: "Chapter Three: The Relinquish"

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“Circumspect each activity you do every day, because fate revolves around the same circumstances”
- KB

                                                   -Kishore Kumar Banerjee (KB)

Note: All the characters are purely fictional, and the places named are used as references. The total setup is a pure work on fiction & has not been used for any harm or influence.

CHAPTER THREE: "The Relinquish"

Ready for the last battle, I had sold all stakes as controlling them was a concern & had experienced taste of defeat. Curing my vision with the leftover was the utmost desire now. Excitement hovered over my head. During this period of null vision, a morning stroll around the street near my premise was the only activity . 

“Oh! Dear god at last you are taking me to the right direction with happiness to come soon” is what I said with a smiling face.

One fine morning on my regular morning stroll, suddenly clouds gathered & it became dark & started raining heavily. I started walking briskly so that I could reach my destination. And as I stepped forward each step flashed answers to the unsolved.

It was raining, I took my umbrella & my stick and approached for my morning stroll. Usually it was a half an hour deal everyday, but as it was pouring today I thought of coming back quick. Lighting a cigar in such a great mood seemed fantasy that instant. I had to cross the street & approach the public park ahead. While crossing the street every day I used to seek help from others. & somebody use to share a helping hand. 

I shouted:
“Help me!”
“Someone help, I want to cross the road.”

“Help me!”
“Someone help, I want to cross the road.”

I screamed two times, but I felt no helping hand around me. It was raining heavy, might be the reason for it. I started creeping to the other side, was in the mid way when the incident happened which shocked me. A lorry approached & there happened a collision too, the half smoked cigar was still in my left hand. It got dark all around, and suddenly I saw myself sitting near a graveyard.

And I glimpsed all the facts in sequence. Yes, it was my coffin that I saw while sitting near the graveyard. This place seemed unknown to me as I was not a part of it. I didn’t know the term to term to describe it, should it be called “Death Valley”?. 

A sin committed was returned with two prices which I had to pay: first being losing my vision & second by surrendering my life. Yes, it was 13th Dec, 1989, the day of my death.
My steps were slowing down gradually, and suddenly I saw a castle in a cliff nearby. I approached towards it & reached the entrance where it was written “Class Room”. I gasped “Oh! It happens in the same way as in human world, we take birth grow a little then go to schools where we get the education of how to lead a life”. And I said to myself: “Here too it will be the same of realizing all the guilt and sins done when one was alive, surrender towards our dear lord for them & get ready for our next birth”.


Kishore Kumar Banerjee


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