Can we deposit old 500 & 1000 notes again?

Can we deposit old 500 & 1000 notes again? Supreme Court orders Central Government to decide again: FACTS

The apex court i.e, Supreme Court of India has urged present running Government to rethink on the demonetization policy & of re-application of the deposit of old 500 & 1000 INR notes which are white & are stuck in to the household of many citizens of India who earned it with his hard work & it is clean but they could not deposit it in the tenure period that was decided i.e, 31st December, 2016. 31st December, 2016 was the last day to deposit old 500 & 1000 rupee notes. It was decided by Reserve Bank Of India after demonetization happened & the last date to exchange & deposit the notes were decided by the present running government Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP. Watch the video & it is pretty important information so share it.

Video Tips:

500 & 1000 rupees old note exchange

supreme court on demonetization

500 rupees old note exchange again

1000 rupees old note exchange again

500 rupees old note

1000 rupees old note

supreme court decide on 500 & 1000 rupees old note

news after demonetization

500 rupees old note deposit last date

1000 rupees old note deposit last date


500 & 1000 rupees old note exchange

supreme court on demonetization

500 rupees old note exchange again

1000 rupees old note exchange again

500 rupees old note

1000 rupees old note

supreme court decide on 500 & 1000 rupees old note

news after demonetization

500 rupees old note deposit last date

1000 rupees old note deposit last date


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