Announcing "Destiny" as a series of episodes releasing weekly every Sunday!


This is to inform you that my second short story "Destiny" under the new addition "Sunday Mini Classics" will be clustered in 3 episodes which will be released every week on Sunday.

This decision has been taken on two perspectives:

1) As to see if there are returning visitors in my Blog who are really liking my contents. Comments will definitely will be a solution to it. I am eager to hear from your side "Hey! Kishore, what will happen in the next Episode?, we are pretty excited!"

2) It will give me ample opportunity to strengthen my future writings (contents) & will help me to write much better in future.

So, eager for Episode 1: "Destiny"?
Like, share, comment, follow & subscribe & inform me about it.
But the most important part "Enjoy Reading"

Kishore Kumar Banerjee


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