"Destiny": (Chapter One: The Confrontation)

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"Circumspect each activity you do every day, because fate revolves around the same circumstances”

- KB

-Kishore Kumar Banerjee (KB)

Note: All the characters are purely fictional, and the places named are used as references. The total setup is a pure work on fiction & has not been used for any harm or influence.

CHAPTER ONE: "The Confrontation"

“Help me!”
“Someone help, I want to cross the road.”
(Distant Voices)

Oh! Was I in a dream? (I wake up suddenly)

I see myself sitting near a graveyard, might be a usual morning walk & sitting besides the ones who have left this world. I quickly look at my watch, it is 13th Dec. 1989. I see a few men gathering holding a coffin & offering last prayers.

I tell myself (at that instant):“Someone has left this world submitting all his sins to dear lord”. Repeating the same lines I step forward to my home. Today, my city seemed unknown to me. The streets looked different, the mansions, gardens, parks all summons to be different than the known one.

"Someone has left this world submitting all his sins to dear lord", the lines still repeating while I glanced at my life to compare with it. I am Daniel Atlas, a very rich guy from a Royal Background from Kingsway, London (UK). Due to the extreme availability of money, the basic necessities of life including human emotions seemed to me a commodity which I could purchase or rent. Visiting new places, visiting night clubs, enjoying in pubs, fulfilling dark desires where moments which I cherished. My relations deflected outrage as money contrasted superiority & I turned out to be a loner day by day.

"Oh! (Sighs), I too don't seem a very good person" is what I said while lighting my half-left cigar which was in my left pocket.

“What about my family?”
“Did I have one?”

And I start remembering.
Being an owner of near about 200+ companies booming the share markets, I was pretty busy with my kind of stuff. Yes, I married somebody but it didn’t have the tone of affection. Frequent fights & divorce being the conclusion to it. Slamming money to the faces of people was an admiration & I did the same with my wife.

“Help me!”
“Someone help, I want to cross the road.”
(Distant Voices)
“Oh, I hear them again, the voices echoing all around. There must be some answer to it. Why me? Why am I hearing those?”
(I walk around the streets still finding nobody for the unanswered stuffs that were hovering in my mind).
A sudden rush of incidents from past came to my mind in flashes & I sat down on the pavement mustering them all together.

(To be continued)..
Next Episode: CHAPTER TWO

Kishore Kumar Banerjee


  1. Far better dan d previous one. U kept my advice. Thanx. Its always nice 2 read in 1st person. Gramatical errors noticed. Try to proof read it from someone efficient in grammer. Loved d suspense. Kudos....

  2. Far better dan d previous one. U kept my advice. Thanx. Its always nice 2 read in 1st person. Gramatical errors noticed. Try to proof read it from someone efficient in grammer. Loved d suspense. Kudos....

  3. Thanks mate, yes I kept that in my mind while writing it. And yes, in Chapter Two I will look at the grammar.


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